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ARRABAL- cité de non-lieu


Dance does not have categories, nor limits. What we call dance Hip Hop cannot be only limited to an accumulation of spectacular figures.That dos not do justice to the five dancers in this creation, without taking into account their personality, creativity and experiences . For me, to create this piece carried out the responsibility of telling their story, their situations, their principles , in order to eliminate the stereotypes of "contemporary hip-hop".This work links Hip Hop and Tango, because of their profound similarities. These two dances were born a century and ten thousand miles away from each other but the both wanted the same thin: to communicate the anguish of a generation, their needs and suffered injustices.

Artistic Direction and Choreography : Mey-Ling BISOGNO / Cast: John Degois, Valérie Masset, Albert Roubaud, Vincent Simon et Ivana Sparti 

Music: Martin Ghersa et Juan Pablo Arcangeli

Asistent: Ivana Sparti

Photos : David Candido et Oan kim
Acknowledgements: ARTE   


Production : Théâtre Jean VILAR, Festival Suresnes Cité Danse  2007.

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